Dieses Bild zeigt Hoang-Huy Nguyen

Hoang-Huy Nguyen

Herr M.Sc.

Institut für Technische Chemie


Pfaffenwaldring 55
70569 Stuttgart
Raum: 1.840


Immobilized Ruthenium Hydride Complexes for CO2 Reduction under Confinement Effects.

Herr M.Sc. Hoang-Huy Nguyen:
  1. 2021

    1. H.-H. Nguyen u. a., „Probing the Interactions of Immobilized Ruthenium Dihydride Complexes with Metal Oxide Surfaces by MAS NMR: Effects on CO2 Hydrogenation“, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Bd. 125, Nr. 27, Art. Nr. 27, Juli 2021, doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c02074.
  2. 2015

    1. L. T. Hoai Nam, T. Quang Vinh, N. Duc Hoa, und M. Hunger, „Synthesis and characterization of ZSM-5/SBA-15 composite material“, International journal of nanotechnology, Bd. 12, Nr. 5–7, Art. Nr. 5–7, 2015, doi: 10.1504/IJNT.2015.067904.
    2. L. T. H. Nam, T. Q. Vinh, N. D. Hoa, und M. Hunger, „Synthesis and characterisation of ZSM-5/SBA-15 composite material“, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, Bd. 12, Nr. 5–7, Art. Nr. 5–7, 2015, doi: 10.1504/IJNT.2015.067904.
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